Air disinfection in ventilation systems

sterisolDUCT is our range of high power UVC modules for air disinfection. Designed for integration into new HVAC ducts as well as for retrofitting into existing infrastructures to solve microbiolgical issues or for prevention. Each module comes along with a UVTRONIC power supply cabinet in which the innovative LCP2 controller has been built-in to ensure safe operation, provide lamp status information as well as lamp replacement warning functions. Modules sizes are systematically scaled, equipped with a contact switch and engineered to take different UVC-lamps of the PUV-D lamp series, according to the individual design calculation or as per definition of the calcultion software tool, both provided and developed by Peschl Ultraviolet GmbH. All modules are consequently made in stainless steel. The UVTRONIC power & control cabinet is available in painted steel or stainless steel. Please refer to the technical datasheets of the UVTRONIC product range for further details.

  • Modular design, easy retrofitting
  • Easy maintenance and lamp replacement
  • Delivery with ready-to-operate control and monitoring

Areas of Application

  • Air disinfection in buildings with highest hygiene requirements
  • AHU systems with a high proportion of circulating air
  • Laboratories and hospitals
  • Food industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Areas with a high volume of people and areas with an increased risk of infection, such as open-plan offices, waiting areas, department stores

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    Sandra Weingärtner

    Customer service